Category: Brand History

Apple’s Super Bowl Commercial – One Singular Sensation

In 1984, the big talk in advertising was all about Apple’s “Big Brother” Super Bowl commercial, which broke many of the time-tested rules regarding advertising. It was long – one full minute; it only aired once – during the Super Bowl, and yet this ad is still talked about today as a masterpiece of advertising.

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Brand Image Lessons from BP’s Gulf Disaster

What branding lessons can be learned from the biggest natural disaster in history? As a horrified public watches images of ruined coastal areas and destroyed businesses, the petroleum company that once touted itself as a progressive force in environmentalism is now trying to save the tattered remnants of its corporate reputation. You can learn from their mistakes.

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Kellogg’s vs Post Cereal. Taking advantage of opportunities during an economic downturn

Recently, I read an article that appeared in the New Yorker Magazine. It discussed how two well-known cereal companies, Kellogg’s and Post, dealt with the economic depression in the late 1920s. At the time, ready-to-eat cereals were relatively new and Americans didn’t view them as a real alternative to oatmeal…

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Marketing with a Local Touch

Serving the Greater New York Metro Area Including the Counties of Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and the Bronx; along with Fairfield County, CT.