Marketing Communications
The next best thing to being there

Marketing Communications includes brochures, newsletters, sell/data sheets and other printed materials
Marketing Communications is a catch-all phrase that encompasses many types of promotional, sales, and corporate printed literature a company may use in its sales and marketing efforts.
Marketing Communication Services Tools Include:
- Annual Reports
- Brochures
- Data Sheets
- Press Kits
- Product Literature
- Websites
- E-Blasts And E-Alerts
- Newsletters
- Press Kits
- Point-Of Purchase Material
- Sales Support Materials
- Packaging
- Direct Mail
Although marketing communications materials are primarily printed, electronic media such as CD-ROMs, PDF and even websites can also be considered part of marketing communications.
Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Touch in Branding and Sales
If you’re selling a luxury brand item where image, quality, and excellence are important considerations, nothing beats a well-designed, full-color brochure for presenting your brand in its best light.
The tactile impression your customers receive from holding something in their hands, the feel of the paper’s texture, and the visual presentation of your sales message can be powerful branding tools. Touch carries a strong emotional appeal (remember the emotional power in buying decisions) that a website can’t convey. It can make all the difference in a customer’s decision about whether you’re the right company for them.
What Our Marketing Communications Services Can Do for Your Firm
We can manage all phases of your marketing communications from creative development, production, and printing.
- Creative Concept
- Graphic Design
- Copywriting
- Art Production
- Photography
- Photo Retouching
- Printing
- Print Supervision
- Project Supervision
About InSight Marketing’s Marketing Communications Services
Unlike many other advertising and marketing consulting firms, we are very comfortable with producing printed brochures and promotional literature. We understand the production aspects of printed marketing and sales literature and have won awards for our brochure designs.
If you’re a small or mid-sized business in the New York City Metro area – including Westchester County, NY; Fairfield County, CT; White Plains and Harrison, NY, give us a call at 914-777-9700